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Root Cause Analysis

& Accident Investigations

Root Cause Analysis is a process used to analyse a given problem or unwanted event and identify its cause.

Root Cause Analysis & Incident Investigations
Root Cause Analysis & Incident Investigations

Root Cause Analysis

Extensive experience in this specialist skill enables us to offer you the ability to:

  • Define and categorise the problem
  • Gather as much relevant data as possible
  • Find the cause(s) – there may be more than one present
  • Find the required solutions
  • Develop strategies to implement improvements and help to prevent reoccurrence
  • Share findings and produce reports
  • Monitor the solutions and provide closure
  • Revisit over time to assess effectiveness

Utilising Root Cause Analysis provides several benefits to your business. It can promote efficiency, as we look for the most effective solutions. It helps align your workforce and teams, as we pull towards one common goal, and it can help your teams to discover and understand value and prioritisation.


Typically, root causes fall into the following categories, with some previously observed examples:

Human Cause or Human-Made Error

  • Involved parties are under skilled/trained
  • Written processes or instructions not correctly followed
  • Involved parties performed an unnecessary action

Organisational cause or a poor process used by people to make decisions

  • Team leaders giving unclear information to team members
  • Utilising or selecting an unsuitable person for a task
  • Defined organisational tools not in place to measure the quality

Physical cause or a physical tool/item has failed

  • A machine or component fails or repeatedly breaks
  • A physical utility service breaks or is damaged
Root Cause Analysis & Incident Investigations
Root Cause Analysis & Incident Investigations

Business Leader Training

Additionally, training is available for business leaders on how to deal with unwanted events at their workplaces. This can involve changing mindsets and approaches from leaders and managers and will also introduce effective techniques on dealing with high stress moments and environments.

Some of our high impact business services include